Jumat, Februari 08, 2013

Phoenix Service Software 2012.50.000.49146

Oke sob kali ini saya akan membagikan software flashing yang cukup terkenal ini yaitu Phoenix Service Software 2012.50.000.49146 yang terbaru yang saya ketahui saat ini. Pemakaian yang mudah dan hasil flashing yang sempurna membuat software ini banya dipakai oleh banyak orang termasuk saya sendiri untuk melakukan flashing dan hal lain nya. Oke tanpa basa basi lagi gan saya sediakan link nya dibawah ini. Nah apa saja fitur terbarunya saat ini kita lihat dulu yuk

Cara penginstallan cukup mudah matikan antivirus yang kalian miliki kalau memakai Bitdefen*** (BD) dihapus dulu antivirusnya (Remove) karena bisa menyebabkan phoenix tidak bisa dibuka !


Operating system: Windows 2000/XP/XP 64-bit/Vista/Vista 64-bit/7/7 64-bit

Phoenix v.2012.50.000.49146 - is an utility for phone settings adjustment, flashing and testing tool for Nokia CDMA, GSM, TDMA, WCDMA mobile phones.
Program's features:
  • Phone flashing in Normal and Dead modes (Phoenix, JAF)
  • Flashing via Prommer Tool (Phoenix)
  • Downgrading - old firmware version restore (JAF)
  • Phoenix Browser - browse and work with hidden folders and files (Phoenix)
  • MobiMB Browser - browse and work with hidden folders and files via USB, Bluetooth, IrDA (MobiMB)
  • Any Nokia phone firmware download from Nokia servers (Phoenix, NaviFirm)
  • works with Product Profile via PPU files (Phoenix)
  • Format C - formats phone internal memory without its reflashing (Phoenix, JAF)
  • simple backup and restore of Product Profile settings via PP files (Phoenix, JAF)
  • backup, restore and edit phone address book via Phonebook.txt (Phoenix)
  • backup and restore phone Permanent Memory (PM) and its separate parts (Phoenix, JAF)
  • product code change (Phoenix, JAF)
  • phone defense code breaking (JAF, Nokia Unlocker)
  • phone memory card password break (Nokia Unlocker)
  • takes desktop and Java applications screenshots (Phoenix)
  • many other settings on Testing tab (Phoenix)

Main component versions in the release:

• Product API 2012.31.2
• Nokia Connectivity Cable USB Driver Version
• Flash Update Package 2012.30.1
• FUSE Connection Manager v 2012.27.4


Error Corrections & changes:
New products: RM-908, RM-909, RM-872, RM-873, RM-874, RM-907

Please note:

Phoenix installation requires a network connection if DOT.NET framework 4.0 is not installed on PC
(.NET framework is downloaded from web during phoenix installation).

New common data package location in use. Please see document SR1315 in KICS Information Center for further information.
All Nokia Service Software Applications will use following location for product specific data:
- Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Nokia\Packages
- Windows 7: C:\Program Data\Nokia\Packages

Download Phoenix Service Software 2012.50.000.49146
via 2shared :
Part 1-11 | 10MB/Part
- Direct Link downloadTipe File .txt 1KB 1
- Direct Link downloadTipe File .txt 1KB 2
- Direct Link downloadTipe File .txt 1KB 3

10 komentar:

  1. maaf sob, waktu buka file rarnya, diminta password, apa passwordnya?

    1. maaf lupa naruh di posting sob, pass nya phoenix

  2. Sob,ane kan dah install phoenix di atas tapi pas saya launch ada tulisan kayak gini
    ''Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name:
    Application Name:
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp:
    Fault Module Name:
    Fault Module Version:
    Fault Module Timestamp:
    Exception Code: c0000005
    Exception Offset: 000185e7

    Nah,saya sudah coba ubah compatibilitynya bermacam-macam tapi tetap gak mau kebuka...padahal instalasinya lancar dan file yg saya download gak ada satupun yang korup.Nah,gimana cara ngatasinya?os ane win 7.makasihh ats perhatiannya gan.Mohon bantuannya coz ane dah hampir putus asa

  3. windows 7 agan yg 32bit atau yang 64? coba uninstall antivirus yang ada di PC/Laptopnya dan install lagi phoenix nya. Itu phoenix nya yg agan install mengalami CRASH.
    ini sudah saya coba tes phoenix nya di windows 8 pro 32bit dan ini screenshot nya work 100%. Klik

  4. Ternyata ane lupa matiin antivirus Eset ane sebelum menginstall.Sekarang dah bisa n berjaya.makasih banyak gan.

  5. Gan, ane mau tanya,,, kan ane mau flash tuh pake Phoenix...

    tapi pas proses ane di minta produk kode... ane gak tau yang mana...

    mohon pencerahannya....

    thaks sebelumnya....

    1. agan bisa lihat tutorial flashing di blog ini atau agan bisa cari lewat google degang kata kunci yang tepat

  6. skdar nambahin gan..windows 8 64bit
    work 100%
    alias lancar jaya..


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